Targeted Case Management

Our Targeted Case Management team uses the Wraparound process to assess, plan, advocate and provide strength based, individualized, needs-driven case management services throughout Broward County.  Our goal is to empower youth, adults, and families while linking them to needed community resources.

The Wraparound process focuses on ‘Family Voice and Choice,’ putting families in charge of determining what services they wish to seek. The family’s Strengths, Needs, and Culture Discovery helps to guide the resources most needed and fitting for each unique family. 

How our Targeted Case Management Team empowers and fosters full potential:

  • We link clients to community resources. 
  • We implement the Wraparound Service Plan.
  • We coordinate Child and Family Teams.
  • We link clients with individual and family therapy. 
  • We connect clients to psychiatric services. 
  • We meet with the families face to face in the community i.e. court, schools, psychiatric hospitals, homes etc. for the purpose of coordinating services.
  • We assist with referrals to SSI, Food Stamps, Housing, LIHEAP and Daycare services.
  • We help empower families to become self-sufficient.

For more information on how to access Targeted Case Management Services, contact Patrice Rotolo.